It's Just Me

Eleanor Roosevelt was a wise, wise woman. She really was.
And at one point in my life, I took her advice to heart.
"Do one thing every day that scares you."
It varied from day to day, but eventually, I realized that I wasn't that fond of being scared.
I would much rather curl up with a comedy, a Sci-Fi movie, or a Superhero anthology than a horror flick.
And there is something less than appealing about taking a shower with a spider. No one can hear you scream with the fan on anyway.

Then one day, I stumbled on some much more fitting advice: "What one thing can you do today that you KNOW will make you feel better?"

One thing, just one.
How easy is that?!

So, I decided mid-year to start a new resolution; to do at least one thing each & every day that will make me feel better.
Better physically... better emotionally... better mentally.
And some days, it may be hard to stop at just one thing.

It is doubtful that I will track everything here daily. Honestly, some days the "one thing" that makes me feel better is not even turning the computer on at all. (This is made inherently easier with the advent of the smart phone, I must confess.)

But here it is.
The progression of things, one at a time, that I hope will nurture me along the way to feeling good each & every day.

And sorry in advance if that one thing is killing the spider in the shower.

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