Sunday, May 27, 2012

Every party needs...

Sometimes, it's what you DON'T do that makes you feel better.

Yesterday's "one thing" could be called "being a party pooper".
Simply put, there was a gathering, & I didn't go.

This in spite of the verbal invitation, the Facebook event, the mass "conversation" post, the text message AND the phone call.


Instead, I had my jammies on by 8 &, with a bottle of water in my hand, curled up to watch Lilo & Stitch with the kids. The "adult" kids.

And it was wonderful.
And quite frankly just what I needed.

As a result, I woke up early this morning, started the coffee, lazed back into the pillow for a while, assembled a strata for later, visited with the son before he headed off to work & fed the cats without any of the usual weekend nagging.

And that... felt great!

Sure, I missed out on some fun company & some good music, but there will be other events.

Sometimes, you need to do what you need to do :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Here we go again.

And thus, yet another adventure in blogging begins.

This time out, in the continuing effort to nourish mind, body & soul, I'm hoping to track the little things.
The little things that on a daily basis just plain make me feel better.
You know, like a tabata session... a long walk... creating a new recipe... lunch with a friend... a nap.

It's easy to embark on a self-improvement trek, but harder to stay on track.
I figure finding just one thing a day is by far the easiest "thing" I can do.
Think about it...
One thing... instant gratification... instant reward... instant "feel good" feeling.

I'm up for this.

My first day out was amazing!
I accomplished THREE things that made me feel better.
I did a 6 round tabata set.
I took a 2 mile power walk through the neighborhood.
I increased my soy intake. (That's a whole 'nother blog.)

The next day was equally amazing...
I took a nap.
And it made me feel great!

And the following day I went to the library & picked up some new ideas for kitchen creations.

So, we'll see where this takes me.
And we'll see how often I remember to check in & report on the one thing here & there.

But one thing is for certain.
I'll definitely be feeling "better".
